Life Insurance Needs for New Parents in Minnesota

Saint Paul, MN, is a great place to live and raise a family. Life changes dramatically once you become a parent. While there are many joys when raising a child, it is also costly. You’ll need to re-examine your life insurance needs once you become a parent. You may decide you and your growing family will need extra life insurance.

Why Do You Need Extra Life Insurance?

Even if you already have life insurance, you probably either don’t have enough, or it doesn’t adequately cover the needs of your new family. For example, both parents should be covered, even if one is the primary provider and the other primarily stays home with the child. If a stay-at-home parent dies, the surviving parent would need money to pay for many expenses, including childcare.

What Are Your Options?

It would help to research the several types of life insurance coverage before choosing. Life insurance generally falls into two categories. 

  • Term Life Insurance: Term life insurance covers a certain period, such as 10 or 20 years. This type of coverage is usually more affordable and can be used when starting a family and building savings.
  • Permanent Life Insurance: This life insurance is adequate if you have the policy. There are several types of permanent life insurance, such as whole, universal, and variable life insurance.

How Can Rising Star Insurance in Saint Paul, MN Help?

At Rising Star Insurance, we’re locally owned and serve the Saint Paul area. We offer several types of insurance, including life insurance. Contact us today in Saint Paul, MN, to find out what type of life insurance policy is best for you and your family.

The Many Risks Businesses Face

Mitigating Business Risks with the Right Commercial Insurance

Owning or managing a business entails significant work and notable risks. Thankfully, there are measures that entrepreneurs and managers can take to manage and reduce these risks, such as choosing the right commercial insurance policies. Coverage varies from one insurance policy to another. If you reside in or near Saint Paul, MN, and require assistance selecting commercial insurance policies, Rising Star Insurance is here to help. Let’s examine some of the prevalent risks businesses encounter.


It’s indisputable: numerous criminals target businesses. They could reap substantial profits if they manage to thieve expensive products or equipment. It’s not just tangible assets either—cybercrime has become a significant risk for organizations of all sizes. Furthermore, employees sometimes harbor criminal intent, complicating the prevention measures.

Weather Events

Natural disasters can severely impact businesses, with many entrepreneurs suffering enormous losses due to these uncontrollable events. Floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and blizzards are common weather events to be cautious about. Besides causing property damage, weather events can disrupt production, potentially cutting off revenue streams.

Workplace Injuries

If a worker experiences an injury at a business, the business owner might bear various expenses, and there may be legal implications. Customers, too, can suffer injuries—a slip-and-fall incident, for instance, could unfold into complex liability issues.

There are numerous other risks that business owners need to be aware of. It’s prudent to scrutinize your business and identify the most pressing threats. From there, you may be able to find commercial insurance policies that offer suitable coverage. However, it’s vital to study every policy to understand what is meticulously and isn’t covered. If you’re seeking commercial insurance agents serving Saint Paul, MN, Contact Rising Star Insurance.

Life Insurance For The Different Stages of Your Life

Just because you have a life insurance policy now doesn’t mean your life will be the same every day for the rest of your life. Your life will continue to change, especially after significant life events like marriage, having a child, or retiring. Your needs for life insurance will change as well. That’s why it’s important to reassess your needs periodically. You may find another option that’s better for your needs. Here are some basic guidelines:

  • Single adult: Life insurance for the single adult is often overlooked. But, if you have any loans, mortgages, or debt with a cosigner, your death could leave that individual in financial hot water. 
  • Newly married: Life insurance is more important when you welcome a partner into your life. It’s at this time you must determine the amount of coverage you’ll need to cover enormous debts and replace future lost income so your partner doesn’t have to worry when you pass.
  • Parenthood: Children are expensive, so you must consider them and their future when reviewing your life insurance policy. If that’s applicable, you will need to consider higher education costs and coverage for a stay-at-home parent.
  • Empty nesters: When you get to this stage of life, you might not need as much coverage as before since your children are no longer home. Still, keeping protection is important if you’re still working and have a significant other.
  • Retirees: Depending on your long-term priorities and retirement planning, you may not need that much coverage. This is a good time to talk to your financial representative about your overall financial plan. 

As your life changes in Saint Paul, MN, so will your life insurance needs. You must review your circumstances at every stage of life with your favorite agent at Rising Star Insurance to make sure your coverage fits your needs.

Does Boat Insurance Cover Hospitalization?

When it comes to affordability and comprehensive coverage for your boat insurance needs in Saint Paul, MN, trust only Rising Star Insurance. Our dedicated team of professionals is committed to ensuring your peace of mind and confidence on the water. By understanding your unique requirements, we offer tailored insurance products and services that give you the security you need.

Navigating Boat Insurance Protection

Understanding boat insurance coverage for medical expenses requires familiarity with the specifics of your policy. Rising Star Insurance, servicing the thriving boating community in Saint Paul, MN, provides a variety of insurance products that may include medical payments covering injuries sustained on your insured boat.

These expenses could range from hospital bills and doctors’ fees to surgery and rehabilitation costs for those injured while onboard your boat. Certain policies may even extend coverage to include passengers, ensuring everyone involved in an accident onboard receives the medical attention they need without bearing the cost individually. Consult with a specialist at Rising Star Insurance to understand what your boat insurance policy truly covers and how it can provide peace of mind against unexpected challenges out on the water.

Contact Rising Star Insurance Today

For further information on our diverse coverage options, contact our team at Rising Star Insurance. Serving Saint Paul, MN, we are ready to answer your questions and ensure total customer satisfaction. Our commitment is to always deliver the best possible service to our clients. Contact us at your convenience, and we will gladly provide the answers and reassurances you need.

The Ins and Outs of Umbrella Insurance: Tips and Tricks

Rising Star Insurance is a trusted insurance team serving the Saint Paul, MN area with various policies. For example, we can provide strong umbrella insurance policies for businesses like yours. If you’re not sure what they include, here’s what you need to know.

How Umbrella Insurance Helps You

Umbrella insurance is a type of extra liability coverage that extends your payments beyond your basic limitations. For example, if you get sued for more than your policy can cover, umbrella protection will kick in, and you will pay the rest (up to your policy limits). That makes this an excellent investment for just about every Minnesota business, including high-risk companies.

What Your Policy Likely Covers 

An umbrella insurance policy typically extends your liability to provide even better protection. It will cover multiple things, which will keep you safe from various risks and issues. These include problems as diverse as:

  • Customer or employee injuries 
  • Property damage caused by your business 
  • Lawsuits experienced by your company 
  • Other types of personal liability issues 

Things It Might Not Cover 

While an umbrella policy is diverse and covers many issues, they don’t protect you in every way. That’s natural because all policies have limitations, and umbrella insurance won’t cover the following:

  • Intentional actions that result in losses or damages, such as a fistfight 
  • Criminal actions (such as committing fraud and getting caught)
  • Liabilities assumed in a signed contract (the contract negates your policy)
  • Any personal liabilities that you experience in your personal life 
  • Liabilities caused by war or armed conflicts – obviously quite rare

We’re Here for You!

Our team at Rising Star Insurance can help Saint Paul, MN businesses get the umbrella insurance that makes the most sense for their needs. Over the years, we’ve built a strong reputation and will do whatever we can to ensure you get protection.

Adding Underinsured/Uninsured Motorist Coverage to Your Motorcycle Policy

Driving in Saint Paul, MN, offers gorgeous views, especially after a winter snowfall. It also means you need auto insurance to protect yourself on the road, and Rising Star Insurance can help. 

Minnesota Insurance Options Other States Don’t Offer 

Minnesota allows its drivers to add a type of coverage that some other states do not – underinsured/uninsured motorist coverage. Adding this to your motorcycle policy protects you from loss when the party who damages your bike or injures you does not carry enough insurance to cover your medical and repair bills. Here’s how it works. 

Underinsured/Uninsured Motorist Coverage

Every driver on the Minnesota roads carries auto insurance, but sometimes, a person’s policy lapses. Other drivers might only purchase the minimum auto policy. Either way, if they hit you or another driver and cause injury or vehicle damage, their insurance won’t cover all the damage. 

Underinsured motorists don’t have enough insurance to pay for damages in an accident they cause. Uninsured motorists either let their policy lapse or do not purchase insurance. You can buy underinsured/uninsured motorist coverage, though. It pays for our medical bills and vehicle damages or replacement when an accident occurs, regardless of whether the underinsured motorist’s insurance pays. 

Contact Our Office Today

Contact Rising Star Insurance, serving the Saint Paul, MN area, for more information on upgrading your auto insurance. If you have minimum coverage, enhance it with underinsured/uninsured motorist coverage. Also, consider comprehensive and collision coverage. Call or email us today for an insurance review so you can carry the insurance that will keep you safer on Minnesota’s roads. 

Four ways your boat insurance policy can make your life easier

Owning a boat involves some financial risks that boat owners need to address by purchasing the right insurance policy. At Rising Star Insurance, we offer insurance coverage to boat owners in Saint Paul, MN. 

A boat insurance policy can cover the costs of legal representation in the event of a lawsuit.

If you get in an accident in your boat, you could face a costly lawsuit. In such a situation, the costs of legal representation could be extremely high.

With boat insurance, you can get legal costs covered to maximize your chances of a favorable outcome in a lawsuit. 

A boat insurance policy can pay for wreck removal costs.

You might not realize how expensive it can be to remove a damaged watercraft from the water after a bad boating accident.

Boat owners are typically held liable for the costs of removing their damaged vessel from a body of water if it becomes destroyed. Fortunately, boat insurance policies typically include wreck removal coverage that pays for such an expense. 

A boat insurance policy can make it easier for boat owners to find a marina where they can store their boats. 

It might be impossible to find a marina where you can store your boat if you don’t have insurance coverage. Marinas typically require insurance coverage, so you’ll find it much easier to dock your boat if insured. 

A boat insurance policy can make boating less stressful.

When you insure your boat, you can enjoy boating without worrying about the financial consequences of getting involved in an accident. This makes it less stressful to spend time out on the water in your watercraft. 

Insure your boat in Saint Paul, MN, with our help at Rising Star Insurance. Call us or visit our website to learn about our policy offerings and to get a quote on a boat insurance policy. 

Why Should You Update Your Life Insurance Policy After Having a New Baby?

Welcoming a new baby into your family is a joyous and life-changing event. However, it is important to consider changing your life insurance. Rising Star Insurance is here to help highlight the crucial reasons why you should take this vital step after your bundle of joy arrives.

  1. Increased Financial Responsibility: The birth of a child brings an increased financial responsibility. From diapers to education and everything in between, the costs add up. Updating your life insurance policy ensures that your family is financially secure if something happens to you or your spouse.

  2. Protecting Your Child’s Future: Life insurance isn’t just about covering immediate expenses. It’s also about securing your child’s future. By updating your policy, you can ensure there’s enough coverage to pay for their education and other needs, even if you’re not there to provide for them.

  3. Adjusting Beneficiaries: With the addition of a new family member, you may want to adjust your beneficiaries to include your child, ensuring they are taken care of should the unexpected occur.

  4. Reviewing Coverage Amounts: Your existing life insurance coverage may have been adequate before, but with a growing family, it’s essential to reevaluate the coverage amount to meet the new financial obligations and goals.

  5. Estate Planning: If you haven’t already, having a will in place is crucial when you have children. Coordinating your life insurance with your estate planning can help ensure your child is protected and provided for as you wish.

Rising Star Insurance, serving the greater Saint Paul, MN area, can assist you in making the necessary adjustments to your policy, ensuring that your growing family is protected. Don’t delay; take this essential step to secure your child’s future today.

What advantages come when I carry a commercial insurance plan?

Being a business owner is a goal for many people in the Saint Paul, MN area. When you start a business here, you must do your best to protect the organization. A way that all people can do this is by getting the right insurance for the company. Insurance policies provide a lot of benefits to the property owner, your company inventory, and your employees.

Cover Business Assets

A reason to ensure you have a commercial insurance plan when building a business is to protect your assets. When you create a business, you will have assets to acquire. This can range from inventory to office equipment to major capital equipment. In any situation, you need a commercial insurance plan to ensure you have support to repair or replace the items if you incur a loss due to a covered risk. 

Manage Liability Risks

Getting a commercial insurance plan to manage your liability risks is also a good idea. A business owner is going to take on many liability risks if they serve clients. A great way to manage these risks is by getting a commercial insurance plan, including liability coverage. This will provide great financial support if you are found liable for an accident. 

Those in the Saint Paul, MN area who want to get insurance will need to ensure they speak with someone they can trust. Our insurance team with Rising Star Insurance knows the value of commercial coverage and can help you create a new plan. When you call our professionals with Rising Star Insurance, we can give you the support you need to build your next policy.

Life insurance FAQs

Residents of Saint Paul, MN count on Rising Star Insurance when they need an independent insurance agency that can meet all their insurance needs. Our team is knowledgeable and can answer any questions that you may have about life insurance.  

Can I get life insurance without a physical exam?

Yes, you can. Whole life insurance policies don’t require a physical exam. This is insurance for the long haul and is usually more costly than term life insurance, but it also earns dividends. Some companies advertise term life without a physical, but it will be more expensive, and it is usually for smaller amounts of life insurance. 

Do I need my own life insurance if I get life insurance at work?

Life insurance from an employer is a great benefit. But letting your employer be in control of something as important to your financial future is not the best option. You should purchase your own life insurance in the amount that you know you will need and consider the work insurance as a bonus. 

How do I know how much life insurance I need?

Having an independent insurance agent who knows you and your needs is helpful. The purpose of life insurance is to provide for your dependents if your income is taken away. You need to multiply your income by the number of years you think you will need to provide for. If you have a large mortgage, that is a consideration as well. 

Do I need life insurance if I have no dependents?

If you have enough money in your checking account or savings to pay off any debt you have and pay for your final expenses, then no, you don’t. 

If you live in or near Saint Paul, MN, Rising Star Insurance can help with all of your life insurance needs. We are available to help with any questions you may have.